Join us for "Camp" Techne Online Soccer Camp All Summer Long!

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re always adding - drop us a line if we’re missing anything!

How can I start my free trial?

Download the app from the app store, tap get started, and then register for an account. We do not automatically charge you when the free trial is over, and if you need more time to train before subscribing, just let us know. We're here to help you or your player in their soccer journey.

What age(s) is Techne most appropriate for?

Techne training requires a certain level of focus and self-awareness. It may not be appropriate for a player who you would not recommend to "train on their own." Below a certain age, we recommend players just go out and PLAY! Otherwise, as long as a player has the focus and self-awareness to watch a demonstration and work on it, Techne is great for all ages and levels.

How long does the weekly session take to complete?

If you go through the weekly session one time from start to finish, it can be anywhere from 30-90 minutes of actual time on task. Each drill allows you to train for 1-3 minutes and you'll need some rest between each and time to check out the next drill. You can do each drills, sections of the session, or the entire session as many times as you want during the week, though!

Will I be able to save the weekly session to do again later?

We allow access to the current weekly session as well as the previous two weeks. Don't worry, though, all exercises will repeat over time so if you're dedicated to your training you'll notice that the sessions are continually cycling back through basic repetitions as well as always introducing new drills.

How can coaches know if players are actually logging the time they are reporting?

The way the app records players' time is that they time themselves using the app timer for 1, 2, or 3 minutes as they train at each drill. Then the time is added to their training log and they can repeat the drill or continue to the next. Players logging time will have to be active in the app and using the timer. It's impossible to know exactly what they're doing and how they're doing it during that timeframe but we figure if they're going to put in the time using Techne, they might as well be using it to get better!

Can more than one player use the same account?

Each Techne account will only track the time trained and Time Trial scores for one player. You're welcome to have friends or siblings train alongside you, but the app will not track their progress.

Have another question?

Reach out to the team!