Sept 1 - 10 in the Techne App
Our goal at Techne is to provide a blueprint for players outlining all that they can do on their own to improve as soccer players and athletes. When developing a skill, it’s necessary to put in the time to get better! Some days are harder than others—whether the conflict is time, motivation, weather, or even ideas of how to approach practicing, we aim to remove all of those barriers.
We designed the Back to School Training Challenge to support building strong habits. The will to train and finding the time and space is just as important as the actual training, so we have a 10-day curriculum that focuses on building this skill.
The challenge runs Sept 1 - 10 in the Techne App and players who complete 100% of the work will be entered in a drawing to win one of ten of our new blue Techne shirts! Check it out in the app or share this message with your players so that they know where to go!